Govt. Aided Autonomous Institute Estd. In 1952 | "NIRF Ranked Institute"

Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal & Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore

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 Dr. R.K. Shrivastava  Mining from Landfills as a Remediation Strategy Regarding Open Dumpsites  Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research  2023  0022-4456
Prof. Devendra Dohare  Removal of heavy metal from electroplating wastewater using electrocoagulation: a review  Desalination and Water  2022  1944-3994
 Prof. Devendra Dohare  Sand Mining in India and its Evaluation Using Swot Analysis-  Current World Environment
 2022  0973-4929
 Prof. Devendra Dohare  Design and Development of Air Purification  Philippine Statistician  2022  2094-0343
 Mr. Ankur Vishwakarma  Assessment of CMIP5 and CORDEX-SA experiments in representing multiscale temperature climatology over central India  Water Practice and Technology  2022  1751-231X
 Prof. Devendra Dohare  Removal of Toxic Substances from Water/Waste Water Treatment Plant Using Suitable Adsorbent  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science  2022  2582-5208
 Dr.Deepak J. Killedar Eco-innovations and sustainability in solid waste management: An Indian upfront in technological, organizational, start-ups and financial framework  Journal of Environmental Management  2022  0301-4797
 Dr. Sunil Kumar Ahirwar  Experimental Study on Bamboo Grid Reinforced Copper Slag Overlying Soft Subgrade  Construction  & Building Materials  2021  0950-0618
 Dr. R.K. Shrivastava  Optimal reservoir operation using parametric elitist cuckoo search algorithm  Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management  2022 1741-7589
 Prof. Devendra Dohare  Review on Conservation of Water by Water Audit  Current World Environment  2021  0973-4929
 Dr.Deepak J. Killedar A review of constructed wetland on type, treatment and
technology of wastewater
 Environmental Technology & Innovation  2021  2352-1864
Mr. Ankur Vishwakarma  Applicability of spi and rdi for forthcoming drought events: A non-parametric trend and one way anova approach  Russian Meteorology and Hydrology  2020  2040-2244
 Mr. Ankur Vishwakarma  Assessment of the performance of cmip5 and cordex-sa models over the drought-prone bundelkhand region, india  JOURNAL OF WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE  2020  2040-2244
Dr. Sunil Kumar Ahirwar Behavior of Box Culvert with Geofoam as Backfill Material in Highway  Transportation Research Procedia  2020  2352-1465
Dr. R.K. Shrivastava Decentralised Wastewater Treatment at Omkareshwar: A Case
 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A  2020  2250-2157
Dr. R.K. Shrivastava Derivation and performance evaluation of optimal
operating policies for a reservoir using a novel PSO
with elitism and variational parameters
 Urban Water Journal  2020  1744-9006
Dr. R.K. Shrivastava Pollution Abatement Strategies in a Stretch of River Kahn
at Indore, India
 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A  2020  2250-2157
Prof. Devendra Dohare Solid waste characterization and treatment technologies in rural areas: An Indian and international review  Environmental Technology and Innovation  2020  23521864
Prof. Devendra Dohare  A Study to Optimise Plastic to Fuel Technology-A Review  International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology  2020  2278-0181
Prof. Devendra Dohare Global Trends in Environmental Flow Assessment: An Overview  Journal of the Institution of
Engineers (India): Series a -
Civil, Architectural,
Environmental and
Agricultural Engineering
 2019  22502149
Prof. Devendra Dohare Lab Scale Study of Iron Removal from Industrial
Wastewater by Electro-coagulation Process:
A Case Study
 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology  2019  2278-0181
Dr.Deepak J. Killedar Traffic noise prediction model of an Indian road: an increased
scenario of vehicles and honking
 Environmental Science and Pollution Research  2020  1614-7499
Dr. H.K. Mahiyar Finite Element Analysis of T-Shaped Footing of Varying Projection Loaction Using Ansys  International Journal for Scientific Research & Development  2019  2395-0056
Mr. Ankur Vishwakarma Trend Analysis of Meteorological Variables and Drought Indices in the Bundelkhand Region Using the Non-Parametric Approach  Russian Meteorology and Hydrology  2020  1068-3739
Dr. Sunil Kumar Ahirwar Behaviour of Bamboo Grid-Reinforced Soil Bed  International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering  2021  1938-6362
Prof. Devendra Dohare Effect of Buckling Agents on IN-Vessel Composting of Kitchen Waste  Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches  2018  2348 – 8034
Prof. Devendra Dohare Environmental Audit of Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Indore: A Case Study  International Journal of Scientific Research and Review  2018  2279-543X
Dr.Deepak J. Killedar Hydrodynamic cavitation using vortex diode: An efficient approach for
elimination of pathogenic bacteria from water
 Journal of Environmental Management  2019  0301-4797
Dr. Vandana Tare Impact of road rationing on modal shift and transport sustainability in Delhi, India  Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport  2018  1751-7710
Dr. H.K. Mahiyar Design of Pile Foundation of a High Rise Building under Different Seismic Zones  International Journal for Scientific Research & Development  2019  2349-5162

Lesson Plan

B.TECH I YEAR Download File
B.TECH II YEAR Download File
B.TECH III YEAR Download File
B.TECH IV YEAR Download File 



            B.Tech in Civil Engineering  


Program Outcomes (PO's)


Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialisation for the solution of complex engineering problems.


Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.


 Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations


Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.


Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.


The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice


Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and the need for sustainable development.


Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.


Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.


Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with the society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions


Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.


Life-long learning: Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO's)

The Programme Educational Objectives of UG and PG programmes are as follows:

PEO #1 To generate manpower in the field of civil engineering with specialisation in Analysis and Design of Structures, Water Resource Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Environment Engineering, Remote Sensing and Geodesy, Building Materials and Construction Technology having sufficient knowledge of communication skill, Science, Economics and Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics and Computer Engineering.Professionalism and excellent communication skills would contribute in national growth while respecting human values.
PEO #2 To prepare students for getting employment in government, public and private sectors working in various fields of Civil Engineering.Successful technical and professional personnel will enhance accelerated socio-economic growth of the nation in professional and challenging environment.
PEO #3 To prepare students for qualifying competitive examinations like GATE for further studies, UPSC, State PSCs and other competitive exams etc. for good prospects in placements in the best available jobs.Competitiveness will bring strength to face challenges of the modern world.
PEO #4 To encourage students for higher studies in India as well as abroadStudent with specialized knowledge acquired from higher studies would develop as world class experts for further impacting the socio-economic growth.
PEO #5 To develop skill to become an entrepreneur.Entrepreneurs will contribute for the growth of the society.
PEO #6 To make leaders in the field of Civil Engineering to face challenges of all kinds.Leaders will satisfy the dynamic needs of the society.


Program Specific Outcomes (PSO's)

The Programme Specific Outcomes of UG and PG programmes are as follows:

PSO #1 To develop knowledge and skills in various subjects of civil engineering and allied fields such as software and AI applications and project management to handle large construction projects.
PSO #2 To develop the capabilities to apply the knowledge and skills to the practical problems in the field for development of economical, strong and durable infrastructure. Enhance capacity of individuals in entrepreneurship and leadership.
PSO #3 Inculcate the research skills for enhancement of problem solving capability pertaining to complex problems applying research-based knowledge.
PSO #4 To impart skills to apply knowledge of civil engineering for social economic growth preserving human values and protecting the ecosystem and environment.

M.Tech in Structural Engineering   

Program Outcomes (POs) 

 PO-1  An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems
 PO-2  An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
 Po-3  Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.
 PO-4  Students should be able to analyze, design and detail RCC and steel structures as per latest Indian Standard.

Students should be able to apply advance methods and software of structural analysis and design in solving the complex problems of structural engineering.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)


Students should be able to analyse and design structure as per latest Indinan standards.

PEO-2 To prepare the students for working in Govt, Public and Private sector in the area of Civil and Structural engineering.
PEO-3  To prepare the students for higher studies and research in structural engineering related field.
PEO-4  Students should be able to use and apply latest computing technique software for the analysis and design of the structure.
PEO-5  To developed an ability to function effectively for the lifelong learning ethically in a team to provide leadership  a collaborative and conducive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives

M.Tech in Environmental Engineering

Program Outcomes (POs) 


An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems.

 PO-2 An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
 Po-3  Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.

To identify and analyze the pollution related problems generated due to urbanization and industrialization.

PO-5  To interpret the data using various tools and techniques to provide effective and applicable solutions.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

To have in-depth knowledge to identify and formulate challenging environmental (related to water/waste-water/air pollution)problems, apply appropriate research methodologies, use modern engineering tools and provide technically sound, economical, sustainable and achievable solutions.
PEO-2 To have ability for higher studies and undertake high value research on environmental, and other related issues.
PEO-3  To produce graduates for providing solutions that account for economical, societal, ethical, as well as with standards and policies(old to latest)  as individuals and in team environments, by applying acquired engineering knowledge.
PEO-4  To provide environmental engineers in government, industry, or other organizations.
PEO-5  To improve, and implement sustainable environmental engineering practices.

M.Tech in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

Program Outcomes (POs) 


An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems.

 PO-2 An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
 Po-3  Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.

Ability to analyse hydro meteorological data and various components of hydrological cycle and assess surface and groundwater resources quantitatively as well as qualitatively.


Ability to Plan, design and operate water resources systems for meeting socio-economic and environmental needs and optimal utilization of available resources. Develop strategies to manage hydrologic extremes and mitigate the impacts of climate change

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO-1 Apply knowledge of basic sciences and engineering to analyse Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Systems for socio-economic development.
PEO-2 Identify the sources of water and their chemical and biological characteristics.
PEO-3 Plan and design water resources and environmental engineering systems.
PEO-4 Analyse complex field situations and provide engineering solutions for environment and water management
PEO-5 Communicate effectively and lead multidiciplinary terms to solve water related with professional ethics.

M.Tech in Transportation Engineering

Program Outcomes (POs) 


An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems.

 PO-2 An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
 Po-3  Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.

Gain knowledge / skill in transportation engineering for collaborative multidisciplinary solutions and carry out planning and management of projects as a member and a leader in a team considering economic and financial factors.


Recognize the need for, and have ability in lifelong learning independently for professional advancement, demonstrate professional ethics, work culture and understanding of responsibility to contribute to community for sustainable development of society.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO-1 Graduates of the program will have in-depth knowledge to identify and formulate challenging problems in transportation engineering, apply appropriate research methodologies, use modern engineering tools and provide technically sound, economical and sustainable solutions.
PEO-2 Graduates will have ability for higher studies and undertake high value research on transportation engineering and other related issues.
PEO-3 Graduate of program will have sound analytical and lateral thinking ability to engage in lifelong learning for professional advancement to cope up with multidisciplinary and changing technologies in transportation engineering.
PEO-4 Graduates of the program will have sense of social responsibility, will demonstrate ability to communicate and work effectively as a team member in an ethical way, and will play leadership roles in their profession, public services and community.
PEO-5 Communicate effectively and lead multidiciplinary terms to solve traffic and transportation related problems with professional ethics.
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