Govt. Aided Autonomous Institute Estd. In 1952 | "NIRF Ranked Institute"

Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal & Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore

Collaborations & MOU's

Department has signed MoU's with following companies for providing Internships, Project Guidance and Skill Development Programs for students: 
S. No. Name of Organizations Duration of MoU's View Document
1. Data Science Wizard (DSW) 5 Years (From 1st Dec. 2021) <Click Here>
2. Advanze 1O1 5 Years (From 24th Sept. 2021) <Click Here>
3. VIRIM Infotech 5 Years (From 1st Dec. 2021) <Click Here>
4. Rejuvenate your Project Management LLP Active From Feb. 2022 <Click Here>


1. M.Tech. Thesis Format <View>
2. B.Tech. Thesis Format <View>
3. Department Academic Calender 2023-24 <View>


S. No. Title Publication Year Faculty Name
 1. AI Based Industrial pipe inspection Systems Journal of Technology    2024 Mr. Surendra Gupta
2. Capacitated vehicle routing problem: A solution using convex hull based sweep algorithm and genetic algorithm AIP Conference Proceedings 2023 Dr. Urjita Thakar
 3. Automatic Infographic Builder Using Natural Language Statements  Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2022           2023  Dr. Anuradha Purohit
 4.  Review of spectral clustering algorithms used in proteomics   International Journal of Data Science  2023  Dr. Anuradha Purohit
 5.  NegML: A Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Approach Based on Negative Database  International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 2023  Mr. Surendra Gupta
 6.  A Survey On low energy bluetooth based key locator and Device Detector Components  International Journal  2023 Ms. Priyanka Bamne
 7.  Attendance Management Module for An Academic Department Using React Native Framework International Journal  2023 Ms. Neha Mehra
8.   Methods Using Computer-aided Diagnosis  Trends in Engineering Research 2022  Prof. D. A. Mehta               
9.  Similarity Distance-Based Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multiview Data Representation  Proceedings of International Conference on Data Science and Applications: ICDSA 2021, Volume 2  2022 Dr. Urjita Thakar
10.  Design of Improved 3D Radar charts for Multidimensional Data Visualization       International Journal 10 (12)          2022   Dr. Vandan Tewari    
11.   A Survey of Traditional and Customized Bus Transportation Planning Methodologies   International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research (IJETER) January 2022, ISSN 2347 – 3983, pp. 15-19  2022    Dr. Anuradha Purohit
 12.  A Novel Learning Management System based on Microservices Architecture using Moodle  International Journal of creative research thoughts 2022 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 13.  A Survey to enhance Learning Management Systems to increase productivity of the students and their performance   International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET -2022),Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,Hyderabad 2022 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 14.  Analysis on Item-Based and User-Based Collaborative Filtering for Movie Recommendation System  5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT). Mysuru, India 2022 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 15.  Vessel Segmentation Approach with Deep Neural Network Model for Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy  4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Technology (ICRTCST),Jamshedpur, India 2022 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 16.  Influence Analysis of Image Feature Selection TechniquesOver Deep Learning Model  International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2022 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 17.   Voice Interactive Bilingual Smart Healthcare Chatbot Using NLP  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NOVEL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 2022  Ms. Neha Mehra
 18.  A Study of Machine Learning Techniques for Diabetes Prediction  International Journal 2022  Ms. Neha Mehra
 19.   A Study of Machine Learning Techniques for Diabetes Prediction   International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 2022  Ms. Neha Mehra
 20.   A Novel Kernelized Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Data Classification   International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 2022  Ms. Neha Mehra
21.  Underwater image enhancement using Neural Style Transfer  ICIRET   2021  Prof. D. A. Mehta   
22.  A Survey on Data Mining Techniques for COVID Prediction   International Journal  2021  Dr. Urjita Thakar
23.  Sweep Nearest Algorithm for Capacitated Vehicle Routing ProblemSweep Nearest Algorithm for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem   2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON)  2021  Dr. Urjita Thakar
 24.  A meta-learning approach for algorithm selection for capacitated vehicle routing problems Cyber-Physical, IoT, and Autonomous Systems in Industry 4.0  2021  Dr. Urjita Thakar
 25.   Canonical correlation analysis with bhattacharya similarity distance for multiview data representation  Soft Computing for Problem Solving: Proceedings of SocProS 2020, Volume 2  2021  Dr. Urjita Thakar
 26.   A Survey on Trending Topics of Microservices   International Journal  2021  Dr. Urjita Thakar
 27.   A Review of Skin Disease Classification Techniques based on Machine Learning  International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research  2021 Dr. Vandan Tewari  
 28.  Improved CURE Clustering Algorithm using Shared Nearest Neighbour Technique   IJETER  2021 Dr. Vandan Tewari  
 29.  Implementation of Protein Sequence Classification for Globin family using Ensemble Learning   International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research  2021 Dr. Vandan Tewari  
 30.  Implementation of Protein Sequence Classification for Globin family using Ensemble Learning  International Journal  2021 Dr. Vandan Tewari  
 31.  Improved CURE Clustering Algorithm using Shared Nearest Neighbour Technique   International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research  2021 Dr. Vandan Tewari  
 32.  A Survey on Trending Topics of Microservices   IJETER  2021 Dr. Vandan Tewari  
 33.  A Survey on Imbalanced Data Handling Techniques for Classification   International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research (IJETER), ISSN 2347-3983  2021 Dr. Anuradha Purohi
 34.  A Survey on Different Recommendation Techniques  International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 2021 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 35.  Overview on Image Captioning Techniques  International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 2021 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 36.  Designing Information System for Private Network using RBAC, FGAC and Micro service Architecture  International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) 2021 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 37.  Similarity Distance based Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multiview Data Representation  2nd International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICDSA 2021), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal 2021 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 38.  A brief survey of Text Mining and its applications  International Journal 2021 Ms. Priyanka Bamne
 39.   DiaM-Integrated Mobile-Based Diabetes Management  International Journal 2021 Ms. Priyanka Bamne
 40. A Survey on Pneumonia Detection Methods Using Computer-aided Diagnosis  International Journal 2021 Ms. Neha Mehra
 41.   Implementation of Protein Sequence Classification for Globin family using Ensemble Learning   International Journal 2021 Ms. Neha Mehra
 42.   Implementation of Protein Sequence Classification family using Ensemble Learning   International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 2021 Ms. Neha Mehra
 43.   Protein classification Under Varying Feature Extraction Method  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY FIELD 2021 Ms. Neha Mehra
 44.   Webpage recommendation for organization users via collaborative page weight  Journal of Scientific Research 2020  Dr. Urjita Thakar
 45.  Text Summarization for Information of Famous Indian Historical Monuments  10th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving, Springer Conference, IIT Indore 2020 Dr. Anuradha Purohit 
 46.  Canonical correlation analysis with Bhattacharya similarity distance for multiview data representation  10th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2020), IIT Indore 2020 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 47. A Computational Analysis of Protein Sequences for Cyclophilin Superfamily using Feature Extraction  2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 2020 Ms. Neha Mehra
 48.  Facial Expression Recognition using Ensemble Learning Technique   International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 2019 Dr. Anuradha Purohit 
 49.  Rumor Detection System for Twitter (A Micro-Blogging Site)  International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 2019 Dr. Anuradha Purohit 
 50.  Image Feature Selection using Ant Colony Optimization  International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 2019 Dr. Anuradha Purohit 
 51.  Feature Selection Based on Fuzzy C-Means and Rough Set Theory Using Heuristic Method  International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering 2019 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 52.  Computer based Programming Assistant Tool for C-programming Beginners  International Journal of Scientific Research and Review 2019 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 53.  Behavior Analysis fromVideos Using Motion based FeatureExtraction  International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET) 2019 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 54.  Predicting Customers Churn in Telecom Industry using Centroid Oversampling method and KNN classifier  International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET) 2019 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 55.  Feature Selection Based on Fuzzy C-Means and Rough Set Theory Using Heuristic Method  5th IEEE International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering, Management & Humanities, IEI Mumbai 2019 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 56.  Computer based Programming Assistant Tool for C-programming Beginners  6th International Conference on Research Developments in Applied Science, Engineering & Management (AEM- 2019),pune 2019 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 57.  Face Recognition Process: A Survey 2019 Ms. Priyanka Bamne
 58.  Finding Customer Loyalty Based on Weighted RFMD Clustering Model   5th International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT-2019) 2018  Dr. Urjita Thakar
 59.  Challenges and Opportunities in Integrating Multiple ICT Systems for Contemporary Loyalty Program Management  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING 2018  Dr. Urjita Thakar
 60.  Dynamic simulated annealing for solving the traveling salesman problem with cooling enhancer and modified acceptance probability  International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 2018  Dr. Urjita Thakar
 61. Use of ICT in Customer Loyalty Programs: A S tate of the Art Review International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET )   2018  Dr. Urjita Thakar
 62.  An Efficient Algorithm for High Utility Pattern Mining from Transactional Databases  International Journal of Applied Engineering Research  2018  Dr. Vandan Tewari  
 63.  Feature Subset Selection Using Agglomerative Clustering  International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering 2018 Dr. Anuradha Purohit 
64   An approach for document clustering using PSO and K-means algorithm  2018 2nd International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC) 2018 Dr. Anuradha Purohit 
 65.  Comparative Study Of Different Image Reconstruction Methods  IEEE International Conference on Communication, Information and Computing Technology, Mumbai, ICCICT-2018 2018 Mr. Surendra Gupta
 66.  Maximal margin multi-classifier based on SVM hyperparameter tuning  2015 International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control (IC4) 2018 Ms. Neha Mehra

Departmental Club

Name of Student Club: Computer Club

Name and Contact Information  of Faculty In-charge:     
Ms.Priyanka Bamne
                                                                                                    Computer Engineering Department
                                                                                                     S.G.S.I.T.S Indore - 452003
                                                                                                     7747845136 (M)

The club has members of Computer Engineering Department from all the years and its student representative is the President of the club who has been elected by the members of the club.

Faculty coordinator - Ms.Priyanka Bamne       
1. Arjun Maheshwari - Head of internal affairs
2. Divyanshi Sharma - Head of design
3. Aditya Bajpai -         Head of event
4. Vishesh Chouhan - Technical head
5. Ansh jain -               Technical head
6. Aman Bagadiya -     Head of external affairs

Vision & Mission: 
It aims to groom students technically and personality wise and help them achieve their potential, make them ready for the bright career they desire. It is organised by the students for the students. Various Activities Conducted by Club are:  Code with the Flow: An online game designing competitionThe participants were able to design the games like snake and ladder and its checks using Visual Programming language Scratch Developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT media lab. Workshop on Web Development: The participants were taught useful IDEs, HTML, CSS, Javascript and given introduction of JSP and Servlet and introduced to Sublime, Netbeans, Echilips, jvm, jdk. Workshop on Latex: The participants were taught IDEs for tex document development and syntax to build their presentations, resume, Reports etc. using various online and offline IDE’s Overleaf, texEditor, texMaker etc. 

1. Code Hunt
Date of conduction- 22 Feb , 2024
Description- CodeHunt at Aayam was an electrifying tech adventure where participants navigated through multiple escape room-style rounds with prizes upto worth Rs. 10,000. Each round featured mind-bending logical challenges and exhilarating tasks, pushing teams to think creatively and collaboratively.
WhatsApp Image 2024 07 31 at 17.21.06 WhatsApp Image 2024 08 20 at 12.29.22

2. The BootCamp for Batch '27
Date of conduction- 13th-15th March, 2024 & 16th-17th March, 2024
Participation-Open for All Braches

BC BC stu

3. Web3 <UTSAV>
Date : 16 Feb 2024
Participants: 300+
Venue : GJ hall

Description: Organized 3-hour hands-on Web3 session where participants explored Inco networks with Metamask, discovered QONEQT's innovative
social media solutions, and learned to seamlessly convert currencies using Router Nitro.

WhatsApp Image 2024 07 31 at 12.21.58 WhatsApp Image 2024 07 31 at 11.22.38

4. Heuristics 4.0

Date of conduction- 24-25th Sept,2022
Description- A 2 round coding contest where coders from all over Indore compete for
in-hand cash prizes and amazing opportunities

5. Chamber of Ccrets

Date of conduction- 8-14th June,2022
Description- A C Bootcamp conducted for first year students to introduce them with basic programming and concepts of C


6. Codiction 3.0

Date of conduction- 27th March,2022
Description- Flagship coding contest of computer club conducted on Codechef.


7. IOT and Robotics Workshop
Date of conduction- 25th Feb. -1st March,2022
Description- A workshop conducted by industry experts to improve the overall growth and interests of students in IOT and Robotics


8. Hack it Out
Date of conduction- 15-17 Oct, 2021
Participation- 1020
Description- First ever Hackathon of computer club based on theme “Ace the virtual life with tech”


9. Data Structures And Algorithms
Date of conduction- 30th August,2021
Description- Basic to advanced bootcamp of DSA


10. BPL
Date of conduction- April 14th,2021
Participation- 105
Description- A C Bootcamp conducted for first year students to introduce them with basic programming and concepts of C


11. Codiction 2.0
Date of conduction- April 10th,2021,Saturday
Participation- 6000
Description- Flagship coding contest of computer club conducted on Codechef.


12. ML and AI Workshop
Date of conduction-22-26 feb 2021
Description-  workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence


13. Roadmap to Gsoc
Date of conduction-21 Nov ,2021
Description-  workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence


14. Robocalypse 
Date of conduction-29 Feb 20-1 March 2020
Description-  workshop on robotics with iot


15. Codiction
Date of conduction-28 FEB 2020
Description- Flagship coding contest of computer club conducted on Codechef.


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