Testing and Consultancy

Consultancy Offered

Consultancy Offered Beneficiary Duration Faculty 
CCTV Surveillance of indore city Traffic Police Indore 2018 onwards Prof. Manish Panchal

Testing and Consultancy
Through Advanced RF and Microwave Laboratory,
Antenna Testing and Measurement Laboratory (ATML, to be NABL)
Faculty: Dr. S. K. Jain

Sr. No Service Type Specifications Remark
1 Design and Development of RFand Microwave components i.e.Antennas, Filters, Mixers,Amplifier, Detector,Wave guide based componentsetc. Frequency range from 1 GHz to 20GHz Simulators like CST, HFSS,IE3D, AWR and ADS software is available in house
2 Testing and Measurements of RF and Microwave components i.e.Antennas, Filters, Mixers,Amplifier, Detector etc. Frequency range from 1 GHz to 20GHz
Advanced Antenna test and measurement trainer kit with PCinterface till 3.5 GHz
Vector Network Analyzer i.e.Anritsu make (500 MHz till20 GHz)
Rhode and Swartz (R&S)make (100 KHz till 3.6 MHz)and (100 KHz till 12.4 GHz)avaiable
3 Fabrication of RF and Microwavecomponents i.e. Antennas, Filters,Mixers, Amplifier, etc. State of art fabrication laboratory including photo film maker, PCB etching machine, Photo plotter,Film Developer, Laminator,exposure system. Fabrication facility of different 2D antennas (planar)on different substrates of various thickness and 3D Antennas
4 Testing and Measurements ofperformance parameters antennas(2-d plane and 3-d) like Efficiency,Gain, Directivity, Axial ration, Eand H plane radiation pattern,HPBW, BWFN, FBR etc. RF and Anechoic chamber(1 GHz till 18 GHz) with broadband double ridge horn antenna,Microcontroller based positioner( 15 KG weight).And customized software available Vector Network Analyzersand Anechoic chamber isapplied
5 Internship to UG, PG and ResearchScholar for Design, Development,Fabrication and measurement of RFand microwave components,including uncertainty measurement Facility like VNA, Spectrumanalyzer, fabrication lab, advancedantenna trainer kits, AdvancedDoppler radar kit, Anechoic chamber, software like CST,HFSS, IE3D, AWR and ADS Individual, and Group basis(3 week and 4 week)

                                                                                                          Our Customers

Sr. No. Firm Nature of Work
1 CSIR Bhopal (MP)  Waveguide Testing (12- 18 GHz)
2 Rapid Parts Solutions, Bangalore Antennas testing and measurement
3 Indore local industries like Mine instruments Horn Antenna, Adapters and waveguide testing andmeasurement etc.
4 Research institutes and scholars like Symbiosis Pune, ISRO Ahmadabad,Bangalore etc., Antenna Design, testing and measurement