1. FOR POs/PEOs/PSOs of B.Tech. programs, please visit the specific department site.

Course Objectives of PH10006:PHYSICS (Common to all Branches in I Year B.Tech.)

CO1:To provide knowledge and understanding capacity of basic, applied and modern physics.
CO2. To generate attitude and interest to solve problems at macro, micro to nanoscale level systems.
CO3. To understand the classification and properties of both basic and applied physics at nanoscale systems.
CO4. To update the knowledge of physics tools, instruments, and techniques incorporating human values and safety measures.
CO5. To identify, conduct, formulate and solve engineering problems with the applied knowledge of Physics.

Expected Outcome of the Course
At the study of one-semester course, the students will be armed with the

EO1: knowledge of multiphysics to understand and solve basic engineering problems.
EO2: logical attitude towards the solution of engineering problems with modern physics implementation.
EO3: ability to use modern techniques and tools including software involving advanced physics to engineering subjects.
EO4: comprehensive applications of engineering physics of optics, laser & fiber optics theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, themodynamics.
EO5: creative engineering solutions for society incorporating human values and safety measures with the applied physics knowledge.


2. M.Tech. (Quantum Computing)

Program Outcomes (POs) 

PO1. Scientific and Engineering knowledge: Apply the basic and advanced knowledge to complex engineering problems.
PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, simulate and analyse the problems using modern optoelectronics, Photonics and optical communication techniques.
PO3. Design/development of solutions: Interpret, design and develop own solutions independently to trivial and non-trivial problems.
PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems using modern experimental and computational skills.
PO5. Modern tool usage & Ethics: Recognise the modern tools and learn to use them at right place as per the ethos of the country. 

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The student of M.Tech. Quantum Computing shall:

PEO1: pursue career in Industry with specific training for Quantum and Optical Computing industry 
PEO2: opt for higher studies in modern areas of photonics, quantum optics, optical computing machine learning, artificial intelligence utilizing QC concepts.
PEO3: shine as an entrepreneur.
PEO4: take up managerial and key leadership positions at quantum computing industries.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO1: Develop analytical ability and skills to interpret and solve various critical problems.
PSO2: Learn knowledge in experimental and computational techniques and will be able to work independently for the problems in Research and Industry.
PSO3: Acquire presentation skills to convince and disclose the ideas and or results confidently.
PSO4: Compete successfully for employment opportunities

3. M.Sc. (Applied Physics)

Program Outcomes (POs) 

PO1. Scientific and Engineering knowledge: Apply the basic and advanced knowledge to complex scientific and engineering problems.
PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, simulate and analyse the problems using modern Physics techniques.
PO3. Design/development of solutions: Interpret, design and develop own solutions independently to trivial and non-trivial problems.
PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems using modern experimental and computational skills.
PO5. Modern tool usage & Ethics: Recognise the modern tools and learn to use them at right place as per the ethos of the country. 

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The student of M.Sc. Applied Physics shall:

PEO1: opt for higher studies in modern areas of physics.
PEO2: pursue career in R & D organisations, industry as well as at academic institutions.
PEO3: shine as an entrepreneur.
PEO4: take up managerial positions at scientific and academic institutions.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO1: Develop analytical ability and skills to apply Physics to various critical problems.
PSO2: Learn knowledge in experimental and computational techniques and will be able to work independently for the problems in Research and Industry.
PSO3: Acquire presentation skills to convince and disclose the ideas and or results confidently.
PSO4: Compete successfully for employment opportunities