B.E. (Bachelor of Engineering) (Part Time) Admissions

The Institute is conducting Part Time Degree Course, B.E. (Part Time) to give opportunity to serving diploma holders in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial & Production and Electronics & Tele communication Engg. The classes for this course are held in the evening and the course is self financed. The duration of the course is Four Years ( 8 Semester).

1. Aims And Objective :

The course provides to persons working in industries and other organization an opportunity to improve their qualification and knowledge for further advancing in their professions. The course further aims at training a large number of engineers and technicians within a short time and with little expenditure. This Part – Time Degree Course is specially designed for the development of persons who hold a diploma in Engineering and Supervisory position in the Industry.

2. Intake Of The Course:

Admission capacity of the course would be limited to 150 and the distribution for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial & Production and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering would be 30 in each branch.

For Admission to Post–Diploma B.E. (Part-Time) (4YDC) in the five programmes Eligibility as are under :-

Civil Engg. Diploma in Civil Engg. or Construction Technical & Management.
Electrical Engg. Diploma in Electrical Engg. or Electrical & Electronics.
Electronics & Telecommunication Engg Diploma in Electronics, Electronics & T.C., Industrial Electronics, Opto Electronics, Mecatronics and Information Technology.
Mechanical Engg. Diploma in Mechanical, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Automobile, Mecatronics, Advance Diploma in Tool & Die Manufacturing.
Industrial & Production Engg. Diploma in Production Manufacturing.

3. Rules And Conditions Of Eligibility For Admission B.E.(Part-Time) Degree Course : -

  1. The Candidate who fulfills the following requirements is eligible for admission to the Four year (Part-Time) Bachelor of Engineering Degree Course.
    1. He should have passed Diploma Examination with 50% aggregate marks for Gen. Category and 48% (SC/ST & Physically handicapped) category from the M.P. Board of Technical Education or from any other Board recognized as “equivalent” by The three year diploma from the Board to Technical Education of the following state have been recognized as equivalent : (1) Gujrat (2) Rajasthan (3) Delhi (4 ) Haryana (5) Orrisa (6) Bihar (7) Assam (8) Uttar Pradesh (9) Karnataka (10) Maharastra (11) West Bengal (12) Tamil Nadu (13) Kerla.
    2. He is in paid employment in a supervisory position after passing Diploma Examination in the Central / State Govt. Department. Public of Private Sector Undertaking located in M.P. or self employed having his organization in M.P. registered under Firms and Society Act and engaged in production/ maintenance / construction in Engineering field. Persons working on daily wages or trainees are not eligible for admission.
    3. He is sponsored for the completed course in that branch of Engineering in which he did his diploma and is working in the supervisory position.
    4. NOTE:- Private sector undertaking / concerns / factory who shall be sponsoring a candidate must be registered with the department of Industry. Sales Tax, Income Tax / Excise Department of the State /Central/ Central Govt. and with any other appropriate authorities e.g. works departments of Central/State Govt. Municipal Corporations etc. in case of Contractors, they must be attest Class ‘A’ Contractors.
    5. He is produces a sponsorship certificate from his employer in the prescribed proforma.
    6. He Submits an Affidavit on stamp paper attested by Notary to the effect that he is in a paid regular employment in supervisory position and works at a place which is located within 40 kms. From the city of Indore and that he is not working on daily wages As far as the limit of 40 kms. Distance is concerned if sufficient transport are available and if the one way distance can be covered in one hour the limit of 40 km. Distance is relaxed.
  2. The eligible candidate as specified above rules/ will be required to secured a place in the branch wise merit list prepared by the institute.
  3. Merit list for admission : Merit list for admission to First Semester of B.E. (Part-Time) will be prepared giving 85% weight age to percentage of the marks obtained in theory papers of the Final Diploma Examination and after adding to it 1.5 Marks for each year of experience in paid employment , in supervisory capacity after passing Diploma. Examination to a maximum of 15 marks. For part time diploma holders the marks obtained in theory paper for sixth, seventh and eight semester will be considered for giving 85% weightage.
  4. There is no provision for relaxation of admission rules, and merit criterion under any Circumstances.
  5. Admission will be granted to the candidate from the branch wise merit list against the allocate Number of seats in the branch available in the institute.
  6. Reservation of Seats.

The total number of seats approved by Govt. in a particular branch of Engineering will be divided as under : -

a) General Category 50%

b) Scheduled Cast 15%

c) Scheduled Tribes 21%

d) Other Backward Classes 14%

Vacant seats in the reserved categories b.c. and d shall be converted to General category if adequate number of candidates are not available in the respective categories.

i. Only required number of candidate whose applications are found to be complete in all respects including NOC students which do not produce a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE in the prescribed from or produce only provisional or incomplete NOC alongwith application form shall be rejected.

ii. Separate list of candidates eligible for admission to each branch will be prepared in accordance with merit

iii.In case there are any vacant seats in any branch, such vacant seats will be allocated in other branches subjects to the conditions that that the total number of seats for all branches do not exceed 150.

iv.Admission will be made strictly as per merit and the candidate will be given admission to the same branch of Engineering in which he possess diploma.

4. Deposits And Other Dues :

In addition to the tution fee, every student must pay in advance the following other enrolled due as soon as the joins the institute.

  1. University Enrolment Fee Rs. 150/- to be paid by those who are not already enrolled with Rajeev Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidylaya, Bhopal.
  1. A caution money deposit of Rs. 5000/- (Instt.) and 500/- (Lib.) to cover loss of books from Library and breakage of instruments in Laboratories will be charged from the students, while entering in the cause. The caution money of students will be returned at the time of leaving the college. In such cases applications for the refund of caution money should be submitted with the NO DUES CERTIFICATE. This amount will be refunded only recovery of all dues. No other fees is refundable.

5. Attendance :

The students will be by the rules of the institute in respect of the attendance, satisfactory submission of C.W. and S.W. and percentage of passing.

6. Rustication And Expulsion :

Any students will be liable for immediate rustication for having acted in a manner subversible to discipline or for any grave misconduct. The authorities of the Institute expect that the students joining this Institution of learning will refrain from joining any political organization for any purpose what so ever.

7. General :

  1. The rules and regulation framed by the college and the ordinances of the RGPV, Bhopal with whatever made in them from the time to time, shall be binding upon the students admitted to the college.
  1. The selected candidates will have to furnish AFFIDAVIT from giving the details of employment alongwith the firm registration numbers.