
List of Journal Publications (SCI/SCIE, SCOPUS, UGC Care indexed)

S.No. Author Title of Paper Name of Journal Year
1 Gireesh G. Soni, Abhishek Tripathi, Mansvi Shroti, Kushagra Agarwal Experimental study of rain affected optical wireless link to investigate regression parameters for tropical Indian monsoon Optical and quantum electronics June 2023
2. Vaishali narendra Naik, R.S. Gamad, P.P. Bansod Effect of despeckling filters on the segmentation of ultrasound common carotid artery images Biomedical Journal Aug 2022
3. R.C.Gurjar and D.K.Mishra Design and performance analysis of CMOS Tunable Active inductor” Journel of electronics (Taylor & Francis) July 2021
4. Vibha Tiwari., P. P. Bansod , Abhay kumar CT Image Reconstruction from SPARC Projection using adaptive total generalized variation with soft thresholding International Journal Biomedical Engineering and Technology VOL:36,NO.1.2021.PP79 June 2021
5. S. R. Mansore, R.S. Gamad and D. K.Mishra A 32 nm Read Disturb-free 11T SRAM Cell with Improved Write Ability Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers Volume 29, 2020
6. Anju Lata Yadav, P.P. Bansod QoS in WiMAX hybrid schedulers for heterogeneous traffic and their performance comparison International Journal of Electronics, Taylor and Francis, Volume 107, 2020 -Issue 4 Sept 2019
7. R. S. Gamad, P. P. Bansod ,Yudhishthir Raut, Objective analysis and bit rate analysis of HEVC compressed 4D-fMRI images International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology March 2019
8. Bhawana Garg and Deepak K. Mishra Parameter Estimation of Analog to Digital Converter with Multipoint Interpolation Technique Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2019
9. S.R. Mansore & R.S. Gamad A data aware write assist 10T SRAM cell with b it interliving capability Turkish Jour. of Electrical Engg. & Computer sciences Vol 26, No.5 Pg. 2361-2376 Sept. 2018 Jan 2018
10. Anurag Shrivastava,Prashant Bansod, Kamlesh Gupta, Shabbir N.Merchant An improved multicast based energy efficient opportunistic data scheduling algorithm for VANET AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications Volume 83,January 2018,Pages 407-415 Jan 2018
11. Alpana Amit Deshmukh, Radheshyam Gamad, Deepak Kumar Mishra Implementation of Phase Locked Loop for FM Demodulator Circuit International Journal of Engineering & Technology Volume 7 (4) 2018

S.No. Author Title Publisher Year
1 M Gupta, RS Gamad Performance Analysis of Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing in Various Pulse-shaping Filter with raised cosine and root raised cosine filter Book Chapter/SPRINGER NATURE 2023
2. NK Soni, RS Gamad Design and Implementation of Fractional-Order PID Controller for Magnetic Levitation System Using Genetic Algorithm-Based Optimization. Book Chapter/SPRINGER NATURE 2023
3. R.S. Gamad Analog and Mixed signal Circuit Design Book/ Alpha International Publication 2022
4.  P.P. Bansod & D.K. Mishra  Design of Instrumentation amplifier and Buffer for Biomedical application using 180nm Technology  Book Chapter/SPRINGER NATURE  2021
5. P.P. Bansod & D.K. Mishra  Design of Band pass filter and Main amplifier for Biomedical application using 180nm Technology  Book Chapter/SPRINGER NATURE  2021
6.  Dr.R. C. Gurjar & Dr. R.S. Gamad  Book Chapter: Design Of OTA Based Band Pass Filter Using 180nm Technology, page 711-719   Book Chapter/SPRINGER NATURE  2021
7. R. C. Gurjar & R.S. Gamad  Book Chapter:Pulse Startup Technique Based Class C VCO Using 180nm CMOS Technology, Page 755-765   Book Chapter/SPRINGER NATURE  2021
8. R.S. Gamad Modern Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology Book/Scientific International publishing House 2021
9. Gireesh G Soni Outgae and SNR perfromacne of Tropical Optical Wireless Links using Receiver Diversity Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Proceedings, Springer 2020
10. R.S. Gamad Computation of ADC Parameters using Different Input Signals " 37-58" Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Volume -1 2020
11. R.S. Gamad & P.P. Bansod Design and Analysis for Power Reduction with High SNM of 10T SRAM Cell. VLSI Design and Test (pp.541-549) Book Chapter/SPRINGER NATURE 2019