Central WorkshopCentral Workshop caters to the curriculum requirement of Ist Year BE, 2nd 3rd and 4th year BE (IPE) subjects and 2nd and 4th year Mechanical subjects. The Central Workshop consists of various process shop like Machine Shop, Foundry Shop, Forging Shop, Carpentry Shop, Fitting Shop, Welding Shop and Plumbing Shop. It has various tools and equipments required at various shops such as Semi Automatic Turret, Wood Turning Lathe (4 Nos), Precision Drilling machine, Radial Drilling Machine, Vertical Milling machine, Planning machine, Shaping machine, Shaping machine (2 nos), Vertical slotting machine, Bend Saw machine, Sand mixer, Cylindrical grinding machine, Furnace Oil fired Spring Hammer, Turret lathe machine (1No), Grade 1 165mm, central precision lathe (4Nos) Milling machine, Wood working machine, S.S S.C. lathe machine (3Nos), EDM machine, Drill tool dynamo-meter Milling tool dynamo-meter Grinding tool dynamo-meter Lathe tool dynamo-meter, Surface grinding m/c with accessories, Tool and cutter grinder, CNC Trainer Lathe, CNC Mill Trainer, Jig Saw Pendulum, Ultrasonic Range Finder, SABRE Saw, Measuring equipments (Vernier, Bore dial Gauges etc.), Planer. Bore and Round dial gauges, Granite Surface Plate, High Precision Light Duty Lathe with Accessories 2Nos. |
Industrial Inspection LabIndustrial Inspection Lab consists of conventional as well as sophisticated measuring devices for carrying out inspection and quality control related practicals of B.E. (IPE) and M.E. syllabii. Equipments : Profile projector with standard accessories Tool makers microscope Vernier calipers(05) Ericsson's cupping tester Hardness tester 3D-CMM with all std. accessories Digital micrometer (04) Air compressor Vernier height gauge Magnetic stand comparator and deep throat micrometer |
CAD/CAM LABCADCAM Lab carets to the needs of BE(IPE), ME (CIM) and ME (CADCAM) streams practical classes as well project work. It consists of CNC machines and robot. Equipments : MIRAC CNC Lathe TRIAC VMC milling machine Mitsubishi Move-master Robot arm |
CAD/CAE LabCADCAE lab of the department caters to the needs of ME(CIM), BE(IPE) and BE(PTDC) academic practicals needs. Its consists of IBM PC compatibles and various softwares such as AutoCad, AutoCast and ProEngineer for CAD CAM applications. Equipments : Pentium IV PC with 256 MB RAM, 40 GB HDD and WinXP loaded (03 Nos) Pentium IV PC with 256 MB RAM, 40 GB HDD and WinXP loaded (10 Nos) Softwares : Ansys Multiphysics (10 nos), Master-CAM Ver X2, Auto-Cast Simulation S/W, Pro Engineer S/W |
Advanced MachiningLabThis lab consists of various advanced machining facilities such Electro-Discharge Machining (EDM) andElectro-Chemical Machining Center (ECM) to cater to practical needsforAdvance Machining Process course being offered to our B. E students. Equipment :Electro-Discharge Machining (EDM) andElectro-Chemical Machining Center (ECM) |
Foundry LabFoundry Lab caters to need of practicals to be carried out on sand and mold testing for BE regular and BE PTDC courses. Equipment : Sand Weighing Scale Clay washer Rapid Dryer Sand Muller Rapid Moisture tester Sand Rammer Flow-ability meter Permeability meter Compactibility meter and mold specimen accessories Universal strength m/c along-with std. Accessories Mold core hardness tester Shell molding m/c Sieve Shecker Calibration kit High vacuum double stage pump |
Quantitative Techniques LabThis lab is used for conducting practicals on Operations Research and Quantitative Techniques and courses of BE and PG Research of ME (IEM) Equipments :Personal Computer i3 – 16 Nos., Personal Computeri5-14Nos. (Total 30 Nos.), Windows, Linux O.S., Laser Printer 1012, Network Switch- 48 port, UPS 1.5 KVA Softwares : IBM SPSS Ver23 - 10 users and SYSTAT software package-10 user licences and Various OR simulations softwares |
Ergonomics LabThis lab caters to the need of BE and ME (IEM) practicals in Ergonomics and Industrial Engineering subjects. Equipment : Reaction time apparatus Electric bicycle Ergo meter Field measuring set for heart beat and ECG monitor unit Audio meter accessories Anthropometric video measuring equipment ECG machine with standard accessories Heat stress measurement system Blood pressure pulse rate monitor Field measuring set for sound accessories |
Industrial Engineering LabIndustrial Engineering lab caters to needs of BE and ME (IEM) courses. Various practicals on standard time measurement, two-handed motion charts etc are performed in the lab. Equipment : Stop Watch-3 no. Split timer-1 no. stop watch Electronic digital stop watch-2 nos. Stop watch-10 nos. PC AT 80386 key board 14” VGA color monitor Overhead Projector Voltage Stabilizer |