- Designation: Professor & Head
- Employee ID: 56
- Qualification: Ph.D
- Date of Joining: 8/05/1985
- : 0731-2582372
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- : Detailed Profile
- About Faculty: Prof. R.C. Gupta obtained his B.E. degree in Mechanical Engineering from SGSITS (DAVV), Indore in the year 1983. Subsequently in the year 1986, he obtained his master’s degree in Industrial Engg and Management from SGSITS Indore and PhD in 2004 from DAVV, Indore. He has guided about 75 PG students and 4 PhD students. He has published about 75 research articles in National-International Journals and Conferences. He is the chairman of IIIE (Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering), Navi Mumbai and also a reviewer of Industrial Engineering journal. He has worked in the capacity of a member of many committees at the Institute level. He has served as the Head of Department of Industrial and production Engineering Department for about 10 years. Presently, he is serving as the Dean Administration in the institute. as well as Chairman Board of Studies of Industrial Technology in the MP state technical university RGPV, Bhopal.
- Education and Qualification:
S. No. Degree Specialization Year University/Board 1. Ph.D. Production Management 2004 DAVV, Indore 2. M.E. (IEM) Industrial Engg & Management 1986 DAVV, Indore/ SGSITS Indore 3. B.E. Mechanical Engg. 1983 DAVV, Indore/ SGSITS Indore - Work Experience:
S No.
Mode of selection
Till date
Reader/Assoc Prof
- Research Details:
Research Area- Productivity Improvement,
- Quality Management,
- Materials Management,
- Industrial Engineering,
- Total Productive Maintenance.
- PhD Supervision:
- Publications:
(I) International/National Journal Publications
1. Chitale A. K, Verma S N and Gupta R C, “MIS-A fine carrier opportunity for Industrial Engineering and Management graduates” Udyog Pragati, NITIE, Bombay, AprilJune'95.(5) 2. Chitale A. K, Verma S N and Gupta R C, “MIS-A fine carrier opportunity for Industrial Engineering and Management graduates” Udyog Pragati, NITIE, Bombay, April- June'95.(5) 3. Gupta R C, Verma S N and Chitale A.K, “Determination of some Anthropometric Dimensions of Indian male population” Industrial Engineering Journal, Mumbai, July'95.(3) 4. Gupta R C, Sonwalkar J and Chitale A K, “Overall equipment effectiveness through total productive maintenance” Prestige Journal of Management and Research (PJMR) April'2001.(12) 5. Gupta R C, Sonwalkar J and Chitale A K, “Economics of early equipment managementlife cycle costing” Vision :Journal of MDI Gurgaon, July-Dec’2003.(8) 6. Gupta R C, Sonwalkar J and Chitale A K “Development and analysis of a group replacement model” Journal of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, July 2004.(6) 7. Zamare D L, Gupta R C and Chitale A K,“Analysis of tool geometry and development of tool geometry assessment graphs” International Journal of manufacturing technology and Research, Birla Institute of technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India, July – Dec 2008.(7) 8. Toke L K, Gupta R C, and Dandekar M, “ Techniques to optimize The supply chain in Reverse Logistics” Industrial Engineering Journal, Mumbai vol. 2(12), June 2010, 4-0.(7) 9. Kalpande S D, Gupta R C, and Dandekar M, “Analysis of Quality award Model for Achieving TQM”. Industrial Engineering Journal, Mumbai vol. 2(12), June 2010, 17-20. (4) 10. Kalpande S D, Gupta R C, and Dandekar M, “A SWOT Analysis of small and medium scale enterprises implementing total Quality Management” International Journal of Business, Management and Social Sciences” Nigeria vol.1(1) Sept. 2010 pp 59-64.(6) 11. Kalpande S D, Gupta R C, and Dandekar M, “Identification of strength and weaknesses of Indian Manufacturing SMEs using AHP approach” International Journal for Quality Research, Serbia vol.4(4) Nov. 2010, 263-269.(7) 12. Kalpande S D, Gupta R C, and Dandekar M, “Study of SMES for TQM Implementation – SWOT Analysis” International Journa 13. Kalpande S D, Gupta R C, and Dandekar M, “ Implimentation of TQM Components in small and medium scale industries – AN AHP Approach” Industrial Engineering Journal, Mumbai vol. 2(23), May 2011, 36-40. (5) 14. Toke L K, Gupta R C, and Dandekar M, “Green Supply Chain Management : Conceptual basis and current status” International Journal of Computer Application in Engineering, Technology and Sciences(IJ-CA-ETS), vol. 3(1), March 2011, 223-228. (6 15. Marwah A K, Thakar G and Gupta R C, “A Critical study of Quality of healthcare Services : Using SERVQUAL” IIMT Business Review, Greater Noida vol.3 June2011, 96-104.(9) 16. Toke L K, Gupta R C, and Dandekar M, “The Implementation and Barriers of Green Supply Chain Management in Indian Manufacturing Industry” International Journal of Innovations in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering, March - 2013, pp 91-97(8) ISSN:2249-2968 17. Toke L K, Gupta R C, and Dandekar M,” An empirical study of green supply chain management in Indian perspective” International journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering Research, vol.1, No.2 April 2012 (ISSN 2277-8442). 18. Ujjainwala F, Dandekar M, and Gupta R C, “ Application of value stream mapping for identification & Elimination of wastes in process industry in Indian conditions” Industrial Engineering journal Vol. V & No. 11 November 2012, ISSN 19. Sharma P, Thakar G, and Gupta R C, “ An AHP approach comparing multi criteria assembly line balancing heuristics” International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Technology (IJIET) ISSN 2277-4769 Vol. 2, No. 3, Dec. 2012 20. Kalpande Shyamkumar D., Gupta R.C. And Dandekar Milind D., Identification of important factors for implementation of TQM in India SMEs in context of Vidarbha and Khandesh region’’. Vol. 12. Nos. 4/5/6, Sept. 2013 21. Sharma Pallavi, Thakar Girish, Gupta R.C., Evaluation of multi criteria assembly line balancing by MCDM approaches: A conceptual Review” Jan. 2014, ISSN 1800-6450 22. Marwah Amit Kumar, Thakar Girish, and Gupta Ramesh Chandra, A’confirmatory study of supply chain performance and competitiveness of indian manufacturing organizations’’ Feb. 25, 2014 ISSN 1800-6450 23. Rohit Kumar, Gupta R.C., Thakar G.D., and Mahajan M.D., ‘’Assessment of Safety Life Cycle (SLC) model to overcome the safety hazards; A case study. Vol. VII & issue No. 4 April 2014. 24. Marwah Amit Kumar, Thakar Girish, and Gupta R.C., ‘’Supplier-buyer relations and human metrics affecting supply chain performance: An empirical study of Indian manufacturing organizations’’ vol. 38, No.3, September 2014 25. Jain Abhishek, Gupta R.C., Soni S.C., “Critical success factors for TPM implementationAn overview”, Vol. VII & issue No. 10 October 2014. 26. Jain Abhishek, Gupta R.C., Soni S.C., “Analytical Hierarchy Process for identification of attributes for TPM implementation” vol.3, issue 3 December 2014, ISSN No. 2277-7733 27. Mandloi Ramnendra, Gupta R.C., “Wire Coating Composition Optimization Using Design of Experiments” Vol. VIII & issue No. 9 September 2015 28. Patkar Neha, Gupta R.C., Mahajan M.D., “Quality Function Deployment A Case Study On Water Cooler” Vol. X & issue No. 9 September 2017 29. Bhalla Hitarth, Gupta R.C., “Improving Efficiency Of Precision Instruments Using Six Sigma Methodology” Vol. X & Issue No. 11 November 2017. 30. Chouksey Priyansha, Deshpande Aparna, Agarwal Praveer, Gupta R.C., “Sales Forecasting Study In An Automobile Company- A Case Study” Vol. X & Issue No. 12 December 2017. 31 Chourasia Shubhangi, Bhandari Abhishek, Badgujar Pratik, Thakar G.D., Gupta R. C., “Job Evaluation In A PVC Manufacturing Company – A Case Study” Vol. XI & Issue No. 1 January 2018. 32. Jadia Pravar, Agrawal Praveer, Gupta R.C., Paliwal Priyank, “Six Sigma Implementation On A Production Line – A Case Study” 33. Chaurey, S., Kalpande, S. D., Gupta, R. C., and Toke, L. K., (2023), "A review on the identification of total productive maintenance critical success factors for effective implementation in the manufacturing sector", Journal of quality in maintenance engineering, 29(1), 114-135; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JQME-11-2020-0118 34. Chourey, S., Kalpande, S.D., and R.C, Gupta, (2023), "Development and validation of TPM implementation practices in industries: investigation from Indian SMEs", Operations Management Research, 16, pp. 1814–1829; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12063-023-00387-8 35. Shukla, P., Rohit, K., Dalpati, A., and Gupta, R.C., (2024), “Insights from deploying Industry 4.0 Technologies towards Sustainable Business Performance: A Study based on Applied Methodology of SLR”, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Accepted/In-press) [Indexing: Scopus, INSPEC; ISSN: 2367-3389]
(II) International/National Conference Publications
1. Heuristic approach of line balancing with Random absenteeism, R.C. Gupta, A.K.Chitale, N.Dubey, 24th Annual Convention of the operational research society of India (ORSI-91) at Bangalore, Dec.'91, (06). 2. Extension of the linear decision rule for scheduling production and work force, V.N. Garg, A.K. Chitale, R.C. Gupta, 25th Annual Convention of ORSI at, Ahmedabad, Dec.'92, (05). 3. Aggregate production planning using transportation I.P. Model an implementation methodology, V.N. Garg, A.K.Chitale, R.C.Gupta, 25th Annual Convention of ORSI at Ahmedabad, Dec.'92, (05) 4. Determination of some Antrhopometric dimensions of Indian male population using statistical techniques, R.C.Gupta, S.N.Verma, A.K.Chitale, 36th National Convention of the IIIE at Bangalore, Oct.'94, (04) 5. The effect of New financial policy onf salaried personnel, R.C. Gupta, Lt. Col. Devarajan, 36th National Convention of the IIIE at Bangalore, Oct.'94, (04). 6. Computer Aided Integrated Cost Planning of multistoried building, R.C. Gupta, 36th National Convention of the IIIE at Bangalore, Oct. '94, (07). 7. Flow Graph Approach to probabilistic Inventory models, A.K. Chitale, K.K. Bharani, R.C.Gupta, 36th National convention of the IIIE at bangalore, Oct.'94, (3) 8. Can Production and Marketing Co-exist?, R.C.Gupta, M.L. Gupta, All India seminar on Advances in Industrial Engg. and Productivity improvement techniques (AIEPIT) Allahabad., Feb.'95,(06) 9. Quality Circles: Why and how it should be encouraged, R.C. Gupta, M.L. Gupta, All India Seminar on Advance in Industrial Engg. and productivity improvement techniques (AIEPT) Allahabad., Feb.'95, (07) 10. Product Management Nature and Scope, A.K. Chitale, K.K. Bharani, R.C. Gupta, All India Seminar on Advance in Industrial Engg. and productivity improvement techniques (AIEPT) Allahabad, Feb.'95, (06) 11. . Business Process Re-Engineering-An Imperative Need, R.C. Gupta, Eleventh Indian Engineering Congress, Bangalore, Dec.'96, (06) 12. Inventory Control Policy using Modified economic Quantity formula and exchange curve, 17th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers, S.G.S.I.T.S.,'2001, Indore. 13. Total Productive Maintenance- An Effective Vaccine for Indian Industry, International Conference on Management of Research and Development (ICMARD-2003) IIT, Delhi,2003 14. A Distance Learning Model For Management Education, Practices, Tools and performance parameters, International Conference on Reshaping Management Education in Global Context, DAVV, Indore, Nov. 2003 15. Systems Approach to Orientation and Training: Key to organization effectiveness, International Conference on Productivity , Quality and Research (ICPQR) ,IIT , Delhi., Dec. 2005. 16. Supply Chain Production Planning in a Mass Customization Environment”, National Conference on Advances in mechanical Engg., (ECKAME) , Engg. College, Kota, March 2006 17. “The Market Potential Analysis: The New Vistas” National Conference on Business Optimization Research Wave, NITIE, Mumbai, February 2007. 18. “Lean Manufacturing Implementation – In An Educational institute and in a hospital”, National conference on recent developments & Futuristic trends in Mechanical Engineering, (NCME – 2007) Shri Ram College of Engineering & Management, Gwalior (M.P.), April 2007 19. Promoting Clinical Quality Improvement and Enhancing Patient Satisfaction by Quality Function Deployment in a Hospital”, National conference on recent developments & Futuristic trends in Mechanical Engineering, (NCME – 2007) Shri Ram College of Engineering & Management, Gwalior (M.P.), April 2007 20. Statistical Process Control Techniques in Software Process” National Conference on Advances in Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering (NCOAIMAIE) Hyderabad, July 2007 21. “Green Supply Chain Management: A Review of the Literature and Frame work for Future Investigation” International Conference, Kovilpatti, T.N., India, Feb 2009 22. “SWOT Analysis for TQM Adoption in SMEs” International Conference for Emerging Research and Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ERA 2009, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, T.N., India March 2009 23. Analysis of Quality Award Models for Achieving TQM” National Conference, Mata Vaishno Devi, Nov 2009 24. Reverse Logistics and Its Needs: A Review” National Conference on Current Trends in Technology, (NUCONE), NIRMA Institute, Ahmadabad, Nov 2009. 25. Toke L K, Gupta R C and Dandekar M, “How Green is Supply Chain ? Practice & Research” International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering, Anna University Chennai- T.N. India 6-8th Jan. 2010 26. Toke L K, Gupta R C and Dandekar M, “Identifying the relative importance of implementation strategies in Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) Practice via fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP)” National conference on recent trends in Mech. Engg., RTME, March 2010, 120-127. 27. Kalpande S D, Gupta R C and Dandekar M, “ AHP based study of TQM Implementation Factor” National conference on recent trends in Mech. Engg. , RTME, March 2010, 155- 157. 28. Diwakar G.K., Dalpati A., Gupta R.C. “A Suvey on Third Party Logistics (3PL) in Practices Manufacturing Industries”, National Conference on Emerging Challenges for Sustainable Business, IIT Roorkee, June 2012. 29. Kamlekar Nishant,Gupta R.C., Dalpati A. “Implementation of Assembly Line Balancing in a Labour Intensive Manufacturing Unit”, National Conference on Emerging Challenges for Sustainable Business, IIT Roorkee, June 2012. 30. Kalpande S.D., Gupta R.C., Dandekar M.D., “ Reliability Analysis of TQM barriers faced by industrial backward region SME’s in India” 3rd International Conference on Production land Industrial Engineering CPIE 2013, NIT, Jalandhar, March 2013. 31. Kalpande S.D., Gupta R.C., Dandekar M.D., Reliability Analysis of TQM barriers faced by industrial backward region SME’s in India” 3rd International Conference on Production land Industrial Engineering CPIE 2013, MET’s Institute of Engineering, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Nashik Maharashtra March 2013 32. Sharma Deepak, Gupta R.C., “Finite Element Analysis of Two Wheeler Spokes Pattern for Optimization: A Case Study” ICIE, November 2017 - Projects:
S.No. Type Title Year 1 - Testing & Consultancy:
S.No. Type Title Year 1 - Other Details:
S.No. Type Title Year 1. Book Authored: Chitale, A. K., and Gupta, R. C., (2023), Product Design and Manufacturing, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (7th Edition) Product Design and Manufacturing 2023 2. Book Authored: Chitale, A. K., and Gupta, R. C., (2014), Materials Management, A Supply Chain Perspective: Text and Cases, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (3rd Edition) Materials Management, A Supply Chain Perspective: Text and Cases 2014 3. Board-of-Studies (BoS), Industrial Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) Chairman 2023-2024 4. Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE), Indore Chapter Chairman 2023-2024 5. International Conference on “Humanitarian Engineering Practices in Fire, Industrial Safety & Disaster Management (HEFSD 2024)“ Advisory Member 2024 6. Editorial Board, Industrial Engineering Journal [Indexing: UGC-Care List] Member 2023-2024