Dr. Manoj Chouksey

  • Designation: Professor
  • Employee ID: 0500283
  • Qualification:  Ph.D
  • Date of Joining: 10/03/2004
  • : 0731-2582302
  • : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Detailed Profile
About Faculty: I completed PhD from IIT Delhi in the area of Rotor dynamics. My research area includes vibration testing, modal analysis, Rotor dynamics, Rotor balancing. I am involved in development of vibration testing and facilities in the Department and the vibration lab in the department is now equipped with modern sensors and analyzers.
Education and Qualification:
S. No. Degree Specialization Year University/Board
1. Ph.D. Rotor Dynamics 2012 IIT Delhi
2.  M.Tech. Stress & Vibration Analysis of Structures and Machinery 2001 MACT, Bhopal (Now MANIT, Bhopal)
3.  B.E. Mechanical Engineering 1998  MITS, Gwalior (Jiwaji University, Gwalior)
4.  Inter  Physics, Chemistry, Maths  1993  M.P. Board
5.  High School  All subjects  1991  M.P. Board
Research Details: Rotor dynamics, Finite Element Analysis, Finite element model updating, Vibration engineering, Model based fault identification, Condition monitoring
PhD Supervision:
  1. Ankur Saxena, PhD Thesis, IIT Indore, “Investigation of Mesh Stiffness and Modal Characteristics of Geared Rotor Systems”, co-supervised with Prof. Anand Pare
(I)       International/National Journal Publications

1.       Saxena, A., Chouksey, M. and Parey, A, “Measurement of FRFs of coupled geared rotor system and the development of an accurate finite element model”, Mechanism and Machine Theory Volume 123, May 2018, Pages 66–75

2.       Saxena, A., Chouksey, M. and Parey, A. (2017). "Effect of mesh stiffness of healthy and cracked gear tooth on modal and frequency response characteristics of geared rotor system." Mechanism and Machine Theory 107: 261-273.

 3.       Saxena, A., A. Parey and M. Chouksey (2016). "Time varying mesh stiffness calculation of spur gear pair considering sliding friction and spalling defects.", Engineering Failure Analysis 70: 200- 211.

4.       Saxena A, Parey A, Chouksey M. (2016), Study of Modal Characteristics of a Geared Rotor System. Procedia Technology. //;23:225-31.

5.       Sharma SK, Pare V, Chouksey M, Rawal BR. (2016) Numerical Studies using Full Car Model for Combined Primary and Cabin Suspension. Procedia Technology. 2016 //;23:171-8.

6.       Saxena, A., Parey, A., Chouksey, M. (2015), Effect of gear tooth faults on time varying mesh stiffness of spur gear pair, International Journal of CAMADEM, pp 17-21

7.       Saxena, A., Parey, A., Chouksey M. (2015). "Effect of shaft misalignment and friction force on time

- varying mesh stiffness of spur gear pair." Engineering Failure Analysis. 49(0): 79-91., ISSN1350-6307

8.       Nand Mohan Jha, Vinod Pare, Manoj Chouksey, “Influence of different cone angle of projectiles on the perforation of steel plate”, Indian Journal of Engineering, 2016, 13(33), 331-337.

9.       Chouksey, M., Dutt, J. K., & Modak S. V (2014), Model updating of rotors supported on ball bearings and its application in response prediction and balancing, Measurement. 46(10), 4261- 4273. (Impact factor 1.13), (Journal ISSN 0263-2241)

10.   Chouksey, M., Dutt, J. K., &Modak S. V. (2014) Modal analysis of a flexible internally damped rotor shaft system with bearing anisotropy, Journal Of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, Vol. 2, No. 1, 19-25 (Impact factor 0.33), ISSN 0972-5768

11.   Chouksey, M., Dutt, J. K., & Modak S. V. (2014), Experimental Modal Analysis Studies for Spinning Rotor-Shaft System, Journal Of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2(4), 335-340 (Impact factor 0.33), ISSN 2321-3558

12.   Dravid S., Tripathi K., Chouksey M., (2014) Role of washers in controlling loosening of full threaded bolted joints, Procedia Technology, 14, 543-552

13.   Rawal B.R., Ribeiro, R., Chouksey M., Tripathi K., (2014), Biomaterials for Cartilage Repair: A Review, Journal of Medical Sciences, pp. 615-620, ISSN 1682-4474,

14.   Dravid S., Tripathi K., Chouksey M., (2014), Experimental Study of Loosening Behavior of Plain Shank Bolted Joint Under Dynamic Loading, Journal of Structural Health Integrity, ISSN 1757- 9864, Vol. 6 (1): 26 - 39.

15.   Tyagi, M. and Chouksey, M. (2015). "Modal Analysis of Asymmetric Rotor System Using Simple Model." Universal Journal of Control and Automation, 3, 10 - 14. ISSN 2331-6489

16.   Chouksey, M., Dutt, J. K., & Modak S. V (2013), Model updating of rotors supported on journal bearings, Mechanism and Machine Theory. 71, 52-63. (Impact factor- 1.214), Journal ISSN 0094- 114X

17.   Chouksey, M., Dutt, J. K., & Modak S. V. (2013), Updating Bearing Stiffness and Damping Coefficients of a Rotor System, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) - Series C, 94(4), 365-372 (DOI 10.1007/s40032-013-0077-x), ISSN 2250-0545

18.   Chouksey, M., Dutt, J. K., & Modak S. V. (2012), Modal Analysis of rotor-shaft system under the influence of rotor-shaft material damping and fluid film forces, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 48, 81-93. (Impact factor- 1.366), ISSN 0094-114X

19. Chouksey, M., Tripathi, K., Rawal, B.R., Identification of bearing stiffness coefficients using model updating, J. Engg. Sc. Mgmt. Ed. Vol-6 (IV) 189-191, (2013), ISSN 0976-0121

Sl. No. Type Title of Project Year Amount of grant (Rs.) Period

RPS, AICTE, New Delhi

A Noble Method for Unbalance Response Prediction and Balancing of Rotor Systems


541176 3 years

NPIU, New Delhi under “TEQIP Collobrative Research Scheme

“Development of a flexible fault diagnosis technique for Induction motor based on Artificial intellig


1290000 1 year (to be completed by 30/09/2020)
3. MODROB, AICTE, New Delhi Modernization of Vibration & Noise Control Laboratory


(Under Progress)
Testing & Consultancy:
  • Structural Analysis of FRP fan blades of cooling tower for Yashash FRP, Indore
  • Vibration testing to find out effect of traffic born vibration on the Rajwada building
  • Vibration testing to check ground vibration due to printing press operation
  • Natural frequency test of composite material fan blade at Maya Fan Air Engineering Private Limited.
Other Details:

Expert talks:-

  • Delivered expert lectures at Mandsaur University on (i) Introduction to finite element methods and (ii) Dynamic analysis of machines on 13th October, 2018.
  • Delivered expert lecture on “Checking accuracy of results of finite element analysis in ”TEQIP III sponsored STTP titled “Recent innovations in Design & Manufacturing” on 15th March, 2018 at TIT Bhopal
  • Delivered expert talk on “Vibration analysis” in MPCST, Bhopal sponsored international conference held at TIT, Bhopal during 27-28 March, 2018.
  • Delivered expert lectures at Parul University On “Theoretical Modal Analysis”, “Experimental Modal Analysis”, “Theory of Continuous Vibrations” in December, 2016
  • Delivered expert talk on “Introduction to FEM” at Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore, Indore on 5th March, 2016.
  • Delivered expert lecture on “Modal Testing: Transducers and Signal Processing” and Applications of Modal Testing (Case Studies)” in three days training program titled “Condition Monitoring of Rotating Machinery Elements” at IIT Indore during 21-23 December, 2015
  • Delivered expert talk on “Rotor dynamics: Mathematical Modelling and Analysis” in STTP “Rotor Modal Testing” held during 5-9 January, 2015 at GCET, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat.
  • Delivered expert talk on “Rotor dynamics: Mathematical Modelling and Analysis” in STTP “Dynamic Analysis of Mechanism & Machine” held during 5-9 January, 2015 at GCET, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat.
  • Delivered expert talk in STTP “Design and control of thermal systems” held during 24-28 January, 2015 at SGSITS, Indore
  • Delivered expert lecture on “Introduction to finite element analysis (part-1)” in MSATDS-2013 organized at SGSITS, Indore
  • Delivered expert lecture on “Introduction to finite element analysis (Part-2)” in MSATDS-2013 organized at SGSITS, Indore


STTP Conducted:-

  1. Co-ordinator of TEQIP-II short term training program titled “Modeling, Simulation & Analytical Techniques for dynamic systems” conducted during 16-20 dec, 2013 at SGSITS Indore.