Vision and Mission

Vision of Institute

A front-line institute in science and technology making significant contributions to human resource development envisaging dynamic needs of the society.

Mission of Institute

To generate experts in science and technology akin to society for its accelerated socioeconomic growth in professional and challenging environment imparting human values.

Vision of Department

To create an Academically Sound Environment which Motivates and Inspires students to bring Laurels to the Department and Institute.

Mission of Department

The Department is committed to help students use their academic potential to the best by:

M1:- Emphasising the Importance and Need of Chemical Science in Engineering.
M2:-Providing Distinctive and Relevant Education in the Chemical Sciences at the Undergraduate and Graduate levels.
M3:-Providing Theoretical and Practical Training in Advanced Areas of Chemical Sciences.
M4:-Imparting basic knowledge about the Environment to students and Motivating them to participate in Environment Protection, Conservation and its Improvement.
M5:-Developing Strategic Partnerships with other Departments, Academic and Research Institutions and Chemical Industries.