Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics

UG in Civil Engineering Started with 30 seats in 1956, Intake increased to 120 in 2012, Accredited in 2003. PG in Structural Engineering Started with 10 seats in 1965, Intake increased to 25 in 2002, Accredited in 2003 and 2013 (for 5 years) PG in Transportation Engineering Started with 10 seats in 1969, Intake increased to 25 in 2002 PG in Water Resource Engineering Started with 10 seats in 1993, Intake increased to 25 in 2002 PG in Environment Engineering Started with 10 seats in 1994, Intake increased to 25 in 2002.

Vision and Mission



A strong source in Civil Engineering field making significant contribution to human resource development considering dynamic needs of the society.



M1 - To generate experts in Civil Engineering field, useful for the nation and society.

M2 - To develop students for accelerated socioeconomic growth in professional and challenging environment of industries in modern world.

M3 - To motivate the students to apply the knowledge of civil engineering, preserving human values