Dr. H. K. Mahiyar

  • Professor
  • Employee ID: 93
  • Qualification: Ph.D.
  • : 0731-2582151
  • : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • : Detailed Profile
About Faculty: Dr. H. K. Mahiyar is currently Prof. & Head, CE&AMD. He joined the institute in April 1989 as a lecturer. His area of specialization is Geotechnical & Structural Engineering. He was the in-charge of Engineering cell and has been involved in construction activities since 2009 till 2016. He is also associated with Indian Geotechnical Society and presently the chairman of IGS Indore Chapter. He has guided above 40 M.Tech thesis & 1 Ph.D thesis and has also published more than 40 research papers in International & National Journals & Conferences.
Education and Qualification:

S. No.









Indore University


Civil Engineering




Indore University


Structural Engineering 




Indore University


Civil Engineering

M.Tech. Dissertation Title:  

PhD Dissertation Title:  


Work Experience:
Duration of Employment-In Months
Date of Joining
Mode of Employment
 SGSITS, Indore
Civil Engineering & Applied Mechanics 
SGSITS, Indore
Civil Engineering & Applied Mechanics 
SGSITS, Indore
Civil Engineering & Applied Mechanics 
Research Details:
S.No.Research TypeResearch TitlePublication Year
Publications: A. International Journals
  1. “Analysis of an Angle-Shaped Footing under Eccentric Loading” (2000) - International Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (Geotechnical & Geoenvironment div) Vol. 126 No. 12 pp 1151.
  2. “Effectiveness of Angle Shaped Footings Resting on Soil under Eccentric Inclined Load” (2009) - International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ISSN 0973-6085 Vol 4 no.1 pp. 95-105.
  3. “Application of Finite Element Technique to Analysis Angle Shaped Footing.”(2009) - International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Vol 4 no.6 pp. 1071-1084.
  4. “Moment Tilt Characteristics of Angle Shaped Footing Under Eccentric Inclined Loading”(2009)- International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Vol 4 no.6 pp. 1085-1092.
  5. “Response of Angle-Shaped Rectangular Shallow Footing Under Eccentric Inclined Loading” (2010) – International Journal of Earth Sciences & Engineering, Vol. 3 No. 3 pp -404 -413
  6. “An Experimental Study on Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil Using HDPE Waste Fibers, Stone Dust and Lime” (2014) – International Journal of Advanced Scientific & Technical Research (ISSN: 2249 – 9954), Vol. 6, No.4, pp 90 – 98.
  7. “Experimental Study on Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil by Fly Ash, Coconut Coir Fiber & Crushed Glass” (2014)– International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advance Engineering (ISSN: 2250 – 2459),Vol. 4, No.11, pp330-333.
  8. “Experimental Study of Black Cotton Soil Stabilized with Rice Husk, Fly Ash and Lime” (2014) – International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (ISSN: 2278 – 0181), Vol. 3, No.11, pp 660 – 664.
  9. “Experimental Study on Tee Shaped Footing under Eccentric Vertical Loading” (2015) – International Journal of Scientific Research & Development (ISSN: 2321 – 0613), Vol. 2, No.11, pp 489 – 494.
  10. "An Experimental Study of Rectangular T-Shaped Footing Subjected to Dynamic Load" (2015)- International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (ISSN:2395- 4752),Vol. 3, No.6, pp179-188.
  11. “Experimental Study of an Angle – Shaped Footing under Dynamic Loading” – International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Technology.
  12. “An experimental study of T – Shaped Footing of Varying Projection Location under Eccentric Vertical Loading” (2017) – International Journal of Scientific Engineering & Technology Research, Vol. 6, Issue – 32. Pp 6755 – 6758.
  13. “Design of Pile Foundation of a High Rise Building under Different Seismic Zones” (2019)- International Journal of Emerging Technologies & Innovative Research, Vol. 6 Issue – 3.
  14. “Finite Element Analysis of T – Shaped Footing of Varying Projection Location using Ansys” (2019) – International Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6 Issue – 11.
  15. “Finite Element Analysis of Vane – Shaped Footing of Varying Projection Location using Ansys” (2019) – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 7 Issue – 9.
B. National Journals

  1. “The Effect of Lateral Confinement on Bearing Capacity of Fine Sand” (1992) - Indian Geotechnical journal vol., 22 No. 4 pp 227-234.
  2. “Analysis of Angle Shaped Square Footings Resting on Soil under Eccentric Inclined Load” (2008) – Emerging Journal on Engineering Science and Technology. Vol. 1. No.1, pp-8-15.
  3. “Performance of Angle Shape Footing Resting on Soil under Eccentric Inclined Load” (2008) –Emerging Journal on Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 14, Band F pp 1-10.
  4. “Angle Shaped Rectangular Footing with Variable Angle of Footing Projection Under Eccentric Vertical Load” (2008)- Published in Emerging Journal on Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 14, pp 1-9.
  5. “Angle Shaped Footing Under Eccentric Vertical Load” (2010) - Indian Geotechnical Journal Vol.40 No.2 pp-129-134.
  6. “Design of High Embankments for High Speed Track near Pithampur Situated at Malwa Plateau (2014)- Journal of Indian Highways, May 2014, pp 29 - 37.
  7. "Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Brick & Glass Powder for Different Grads of Concrete (2015) - Journal of Indian Highways, Vol. 43 No-7, pp-11-16.
C. International Conferences

  1. “Performance Study of Bi-Angle Shape Skirted Footing in Yellow Soil Subjected to Two Way Eccentric Load”, - Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering.
  2. “Application of Finite Element Technique to Analyze Confined Footing” (1999) Proceeding of South Asian Countries Conferences held at Kathmandu, Nepal during May1999. 
D. National Conferences 

  1. “The Effect of Lateral Confinement on Bearing Capacity of Coarse Sand in Dry & Saturated State” (Hindi) Proceeding of Seminars in Hindi on Geotechnical Aspects & Constructional Materials for River Valley Project held at CSMRS New Delhi during Feb „1997.
  2. “The Effect of Lateral Confinement on Bearing Capacity on Fully Saturated Fine Sand” Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference held at Varodara during Dec‟1997.
  3. “Inculcation of Environmental Awareness in Education” Proceeding of National Seminar on Environmental Aspect of Engineering Practice held at Jhansi during April1998.
  4. “Test on Lime Stabilized with Gypsum as Additive”, Proceeding of National Seminars on Construction in Expansive Soils held at Indore during May1998.
  5. “Moment Tilt Characteristic of Angle Shaped Footing under Eccentric Loading”. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference held at Indore during Dec.2001.
  6. “Effect of Partial Surcharge on Settlement Characteristics of Sand” Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference held at Indore during Dec.2001.
  7. “Rectangular Footing Confined on Two Opposite Sides”, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference held at IIT Roorkee during Dec.2003.
  8. “Effect of Shear Parameters on Bearing Capacity of Angle-Shaped Footing”, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference held at NIT Warangal during Dec.2004.
  9. Experimental Studies on Angle Shaped Footing resting on Cohesive Soil under Eccentric Loading. Indian Geotechnical Conference in Dec.2005 at Nirma University Ahmadabad.
  10. “Behavior of Horizontal Displacement in an Angle Shape Footing Under Eccentric Inclined Loading”- Proceedings of Indian geotechnical Conference on Geotechniques in Infrastructure Development held at Guntur during 17th -19th Dec 09.
  11. “Prediction of Bearing Capacity of Rock using the Criteria of Rock Mass Rating” – National Conference on Geotechnical Problems: - Case Studies, Organized by Indian Geotechnical Society, Indore Chapter, Oct. 2012.
Testing & Consultancy:

Design of Concrete Mix

Non Destructive Testing

Testing of Building Materials

Soil Investigations


Other Details: A. List of Conferences, Short term Courses, Workshop Organized

  1. National Seminar on Construction in Expansive Soil May 1998 – Member of Organizing Committee.
  2. National Seminar on Foundation Problems – Case Studies October –2000 – Member of Organising Committee.
  3. National Seminar on IS-456-2000 February 2001 – Member of Organizing Committee.
  4. Indian Geotechnical Conference in Dec. 2001 - Member of Organizing Committee.
  5. National Workshop on Geotechnical Investigation and Highway Material Testing (GIHMT 2002) August-2002 – Organizing Secretary.
  6. National Seminar on Geotechnical Problems – Case Studies (NSGPC 2002) October 2002 – Member of Organizing Committee.
  7. Two Days National Training Workshop on Soil & Highway Material Testing (SHMT 2003) August-2003 – Organizing Secretary.
  8. National Paper Presentation Contest for UG/PG Student of Civil Engg/ Geotech. Engg (GEOCONCEPT) 2004–March 2004-Organising Secretary.
  9. Two Days National Training Workshop on Soil & Highway Material Testing (SHMT 2004) – Organizing Secretary.
  10. National Seminar on Geotechnical Problems – Case Studies October 2004 – Member of Organising Committee.
  11. Two Days National Training Workshop on Soil & Highway Material Testing (SHMT 2005) – Convener.
  12. National Paper Presentation Contest for UG/PG Student (GEOCONCEPT2005) - Convener.
  13. One Day National Training Workshop on Soil & Highway Material Testing (SHMT 2006) Nov‟2006 - Convener.
  14. National Seminar on Geotechnical Problems – Case Studies October 2006 (NSGPC 2006) – Member of Organizing Committee.
  15. National Paper Presentation Contest for UG/PG Student (GEOCONCEPT2007) - Convener.
  16. One Day National Training Workshop on Soil and Highway Material Testing – Organizing Secretary (SHMT2007) – Organizing Secretary.
  17. National Seminar on Geotechnical Problems – Case Studies October 2008 (NSGPC 2008) – Member of Organizing Committee.
  18. First International IGS Ferroco Terzaghi oration lecture-2008 – Organizing Secretary.
  19. National Paper Presentation Contest for UG/PG Student (GEOCONCEPT2009) - Convener.
  20. National Seminar on Geotechnical Problems – Case Studies October 2010 (NSGPC 2010) – Organizing Secretary 10.
  21. One Day National Training Workshop on Soil and Highway Material Testing – Organizing Secretary (SHMT2011) – Organizing Secretary 11.
  22. National Paper Presentation Contest for UG/PG Student (GEOCONCEPT2011) - Convener.
B. Expert Lectures Delivered

  1. Index Properties, their determination. Interpretation and Importance: Lecture delivered in a work shop on Soil & Highway Material Testing Organized at SGSITS, Indore by IGS Indore Chapter during July 2010
  2. Discussion on Strength and Compressibility of soil: Lecture delivered in a work shop on Soil & Highway Material Testing Organized at SGSITS, Indore by IGS Indore Chapter during July 2011
  3. Index Properties, their determination. Interpretation and Importance: Lecture delivered in a work shop for field engineers involved in infrastructure development, Organized at SGSITS, Indore by Civil Engineer Department & MPRRDA during July 2009.
  4. Index Properties, their determination. Interpretation and Importance: Lecture delivered in a work shop on Soil & Highway Material Testing Organized at Vindhya Institute of Technology, Indore Organized by IGS Indore Chapter during July 2013
  5. Index Properties, their determination. Interpretation and Importance: Lecture delivered in a work shop on Soil & Highway Material Testing Organized at Malwa Institute of Science & Technology, Indore Organized by IGS Indore Chapter during July 2014
  6. Role of Civil Engineers in the coming year: Lecture delivered at Prestige Institute of Engineering during September 2013.
  7. Index and strength Properties, their determination. Interpretation and Importance: Lecture delivered at Acropolish Institute of Research & Technology Indore in February 2017.
C. Membership of Professional Bodies

  1. Indian Geotechnical Society
  2. Indian Society of Technical Education
  3. Institution of Engineers (India)
  4. Association of Structural Engineers