Dr. Deepti Mokati

  • Designation: Assistant Professor
  • Employee ID: 1405070
  • Qualification: Ph.D.
  • :  0731-258256
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
About Faculty: Ms. Deepti Mokati is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences , SGSITS, Indore and she is broadly interested in Mathematical Modeling. She joined the department in 2007.She has guided 07 M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics) Dissertations. She has awarded Ph.D. in Mathematical Modeling in Infectious Diseases from Vikram University, Ujjain (M.P.), India in 2022.
Education and Qualification:

Exam Passed

Exam Conducted by/University/Board


Institute/College/School Name


Vikram University , Ujjain


Madhav Science College , Ujjain


Vikram University ,Ujjain


School of Studies in Mathematics,Ujjain


Vikram University ,Ujjain


School of Studies in Mathematics,Ujjain

PhD Vikram University,Ujjain 2022 School of Studies in Mathematics,Ujjain
Work Experience:




Duration of Employment

Date of Joining

Mode of Employment



Assistant Professor

Applied Mathematics & Computational Science

12 years



Research Details: Area of research interest    :   Mathematical Modeling in Epidemiology
PhD Supervision: Nil

Research Type

Research Title

Publication Year

National Journal

A model of cyclic type with temporary immunity for the transmission of Pertussis


International Journal

Local & global stability of a time delay SIRS epidemic model with varying immunity period 


International Journal

Stability analysis and uniform persistence of a generalized malaria model with relapse


International Journal

Stability analysis of a generalized SEIR epidemic model with limited resource

 for   treatment


International Journal

Mathematical Model for SIS Cholera Epidemic with Quarantine Effect


International Journal

Mathematical Modeling and Stability Analysis for a SIS Typhoid Transmission Dynamics


International Journal

Stability Analysis for an SEIQR Epidemic Model with Saturated Incidence Rate


International Journal

Mathematical Modeling of SIQS Cholera Dynamics with Vaccination


International Journal

Modeling and Stability Analysis of SIQS Cholera Transmission Dynamics


International Journal

Mathematical Analysis for a SEIS Typhoid Epidemic Model


International Journal

Mathematical Analysis of a Vaccinated Model with Immigration and Generalized Saturated Incidence Rate Function


International Journal Mathematical Modelling and Stability Analysis for an VSEIHRVbB Typhoid Fever Model 2023
Projects: Nil
Testing & Consultancy: Nil
Other Details:

P.G. Dissertation Guidance:

08 M.Sc.  Dissertation (Applied Mathematics)

Membership of Professional Societies

Life Time Membership for Vigyan Bharati Parishad


List of Conference/Workshops Organized


National Workshop on “Recent Advances in Mathematics and its Applications” , organized by  Department  of  Applied  Mathematics  and  Computational  Science  ,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M.P.)  during January 20-21,   2017 .


International Conference on “Computational Mathematics and its Applications”, organized by Department  of  Applied  Mathematics  and  Computational  Science  ,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore

(M.P.)  with Department  of Mathematics IIT, Indore during 12-14 Nov. 2019.


One day workshop on National Mathematics day-2020 , organized by Department  of  Applied  Mathematics  and  Computational  Science  ,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M.P.)  supported by National Council of Science & Technology Communication, DST, New Delhi and M.P. Council of Science & Technology Communication, Bhopal(M.P.), held on 07-26 December 2020.


Two days workshop on National Science day-2021 , organized by Department  of  Applied  Mathematics  and  Computational  Science  ,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M.P.)  supported by National Council of Science & Technology Communication, DST, New Delhi and M.P. Council of Science & Technology Communication, Bhopal(M.P.), held on 07-08 March 2021.


One Day workshop on “Engineering Applications of Mathematics”, organized by Department  of  Applied  Mathematics  and  Computational  Science  ,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M.P.), 1st October 2022. 


One Week Workshop on “ MATLAB for Beginners”, organized by Department  of  Applied  Mathematics  and  Computational  Science  ,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M.P.) during 6th-110th December 2021.

(vii) One week workshop on National Mathematics day-2022 , organized by Department  of  Applied  Mathematics  and  Computational  Science  ,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M.P.)  supported by National Council of Science & Technology Communication, DST, New Delhi and M.P. Council of Science & Technology Communication, Bhopal(M.P.), held on 26 December - 5 January 2023.
(viii) Two days workshop on National Science day-2023 , organized by Department  of  Applied  Mathematics  and  Computational  Science  ,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M.P.)  supported by National Council of Science & Technology Communication, DST, New Delhi and M.P. Council of Science & Technology Communication, Bhopal(M.P.), held on 02-03 March 2023.
(ix) Two Days workshop on National Mathematics day-2023 , organized by Department  of  Applied  Mathematics  and  Computational  Science  ,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M.P.)  supported by National Council of Science & Technology Communication, DST, New Delhi and M.P. Council of Science & Technology Communication, Bhopal(M.P.), held on 4 - 5 January 2024.


List of  Seminars  / Workshops/Summer/Winter Courses Attended


International conference on “ Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing”, organized by Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) , Indore(M.P.) during July 19-21,2018 .


TEQIP-III sponsored National Workshop on (Role and Importance of Mathematics in Industries”, organized by Department  of  Applied  Mathematics  and  Computational  Science  ,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M.P.)  during April 27-28,2018


Summer school on “ Industrial Mathematics” , organized by Department of Applied Science, SIRT, Sage University, Indore(M.P.) during 11-16 May 2020.


TEQIP III sponsored Three days FDP on “ Mathematical and Computational Modeling”,organized by Lakshmi Narain College of Technology and Science,Bhopal(M.P.) during 18-20 May 2020.


Summer School on “ Numerical Computational Method and its Application”,organized by Department of Applied Science,Sage University Indore (M.P.) during 26-29 May 2020.


National webinar on “Python Programming and Computer Vision “,organized by Department of Computer Science,Govt. Holkar Science College,Indore(M.P.) during 25-26 May 2020.


One day webinar on “ Large scale Machine learning Algorithms”,organized by Department  of  Applied  Mathematics  and  Computational  Science  ,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M.P.)  on 5th June 2020.


One day webinar on “ Artificial Intelligence and Influence of Mathematics”, organized by Department  of  Applied  Mathematics  and  Computational  Science  ,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore (M.P.)  on 7th June 2020.


TEQIP III under RGPV Bhopal  sponsored Three days FDP on “ Innovative Research Methodologies for challenging problems of future in science, Technology, Engineering and Management  “,organized by Department of Engineering Sciences and Humanities,IISt,Indore(M.P.) during 5-7 June 2020.


One week International FDP on “ Fixed point Theory and its Applications”, organized by Department of Mathematics and Statistics,School of Basic Sciences, Manipal University,Jaipur during 15-19  September 2020.


TEQIP III sponsored e-training FDP on “ Mathematics with MATLAB  and Mathematica”, organized by Department of Mathematics,IIT,Indore(M.P.) during 23-28 November 2020.


One week National Online FDP  on “Advanced Opportunities and implicit Research Technologies in Sciences”, organized by Institute of Science and Research ,IPS Academy, Indore(M.P.) during 7th-12th June 2021.


One Week Short Term Course on “Implementation of Numerical Methods using MATLAB", organized by Department of Mathematics,IIT,Indore(M.P.) during 3rd-8th January 2022.


One Week Short Term Course on “Sampling Theory and Its Appklications:Signal, Image Processing and Data Science", organized by Department of Mathematics,IIT,Indore(M.P.) during 24th-29th January 2022.


Two Day workshop on”Mathematical Ecology and Epidemiology”, organized by Department of Mathematics,IIT,Indore(M.P.) during 17th-18th June 2022.

16. One week FDP on “Optimization Techniques using Mathematical Methods and Evolutionary Algorithms” organized by Division of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai from 13th - 17th February 2023.
17. Three-Day International Workshop on “Optimization Models for Machine Learning & Applications” held during 20th- 22nd July, 2023.
18. One week FDP on Data Analysis Using Advanced Comutational Techniques Organized by Department of Statistics and Mathemastics, Amity University Calcutta from 24-28 July 2023.