S. No. | Name of full time teacher with Ph.D. /D.Sc. / D.Litt. /LLD | Year of Recognition as Research Guide | Area of Specialization |
1. | Dr. Urjita Thakar | 2015 | Information Security, Algorithms |
2. | Dr. Sunita Varma | 2015 | Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things |
3. | Dr. Vandan Tewari | 2015 | Data Mining, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Database Engineering |
4. | Dr. Anuradha Purohit | 2016 | Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering Theory of Computation |
5. | Dr. Lalit Putohit | 2019 | Machine Learning, Web Services, IoT, Web & Information Security |
List of Ph.D Students
S. No. | Enrollment No. | Name of Ph.D. Scholar | Date of Registration | Title | Name of Guide |
1. | 0101CS14PD05 | Mr. Deepika Jain | 03.06.2017 | Development of Comprehensive Optimization Strategy for Wireless Sensor Network using Metaheuristic approachers | Dr.Piyush Shukla, Dr. Sunita Varma |
2. | 0801CS16PD05 | Ms.Neha Sehta | 01.10.2019 | Investigations in Meta-Learning Approaches to Algorithm Selection for Optimization Problems. | Dr.Urjita Thakar |
3. | 0801CS16PD06 | Mr. Yunus Khan | 13.09.2017 | Development & Implementation of Evidence Collection strategy for Cloud Forensic. | Dr. Sunita Varma |
4. | 0801CS17PD01 | Mr.Ashok Kumar Mewafarosh (QIP) | 09.11.2022 | Web User's Intent Discovery Using Machine Learning Techniques | Dr.Urjita Thakar |
5. | 0801CA18PD04 | Ms. Shraddha Soni | 15.10.2018 | A Study of Shilling Attacks on Multi-Criteria Collaborative Filtering in Recommender System. | Dr.Sunita Varma |
6. | 0801CS18PD24 | Ms. Poorva Shukla | 03.10.2018 | The Study of Intelligent Transportation System for Smart Vehicles in VANET. | Dr.Ravindra Patel RGPV, Dr. Sunita Verma |
7. | 0801CS18PD26 | Ms. Shraddna Kumar | 01.10.2018 | "Investigations in Proteomics for Identification of Peptides Using Deep Learning." | Dr.Sunita Varma Dr. Anuradha Purohit |
8. | 0801CS18PD27 | Mr. Veerendra Shrivastava | 05.10.2018 | "Design and Development of an Integrated Security Testbed Framework for Vulnerability Assessment in IoT Environment." | Dr.Sunita Varma Dr. Vandan Tewari |
9. | 0801CS19PD01 | Ms. Anushree Pandya | 01.04.2021 | Dr.Urjita Thakar | |
10. | 0801CS19PD02 | Mr. Manoj Dhawan | "A Secure Framework for Sensitive Data in the Healthcare Domain." | Dr.Lalit Purohit | |
11. | 0801CS19PD03 | Ms. Shubhangi Pande | 22.11.2022 | Dr.Anuradha Purohit Dr. Neeraj Kumar Rathore | |
12. | Mr. Anil Kumar | Dr. Lalit Purohit | |||
13. | Mr. Rajendra Singh Daboriya(QIP) | Dr. Lalit Purohit | |||
14. | Mr. Shadab Khan |
Dr. Lalit Purohit | |||
15. | Mr. Manoj Chouhan | Dr. Vandan Tewari |