Academic Council

Academic Council (as per UGC guidelines for Autonomous Institute)

The Academic Council shall be the statutory body of the University on all academic matters. It will be solely responsible for all academic matters, such as, framing of academic policy, approval of courses, regulations, and syllabi, etc. The Council will involve faculty at all levels and experts from outside, including representatives of the university and the government. The decisions taken by the Academic Council will not be subject to any further ratification by any other statutory bodies of the Institute. The composition and functions of the Academic Council are:

A. Composition
Composition of Academic Council; Standing Committee and BoS <View>





 All Deans of the Institute



 Chairman, All BOS



 One Professor from each Department (by Rotation)



 One Associate Professor from each Department (by Rotation)



 One Assistant Professor from each Department (by Rotation)



 Training and Placement Officer of the Institute



 Controller Exam



 Three Nominees from the University (RGPV, Bhopal)



 One Nominee from AICTE



 Nominee of MHRD



 Nominee of Commissioner Technical Education 



 Four Members Nominated by the Governing Body of the Institute



 Two Representatives from PG Students



 Two Representatives from UG Students



 One Outstanding Student from Sports



 Representative Women Student




 Secretary/ Non-member

B. Terms of Members

The term of the nominated members shall be three years.

C. Meetings and Quorum

(i) As a routine, the Academic Council shall normally meet twice in a year on the date fixed by the Director of the Institute.

(ii) The agenda and proceedings of each meeting of the Academic Council shall be prepared by the Registrar and shall be approved by the Dean Academics and Director.

(iii) The Registrar shall send a copy of the minutes of that meeting so signed by the Chairperson, to each member of the Academic Councilwithin six weeks after a meeting.

(iv) A copy of the minutes shall be submitted to the Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, RGPV Bhopal.

(v) Approval of the resolutions shall be by simple majority of the Members present.

(vi) One third members of the Academic Council shall form the quorum for a meeting.

D. Functions

Scrutinise and approve the proposals with or without modification of the Boards of Studies about courses of study, academic regulations, curricula, syllabi and modifications thereof, instructional and evaluation arrangements, methods, procedures relevant thereto etc., provided that where the Academic Council differs on any proposal, it will have the right to return the matter for reconsideration to the Board of Studies concerned or reject it, after giving reasons to do so.

Composition of Academic Council  <View>

Minutes of 25th Meeting of the Academic Council held on 06/03/2021 <View
Minutes of 26th Meeting of the Academic Council held on 30/09/2021 <View>
Minutes of 27th Meeting of the Academic Council held on 22/07/2022 <View>
Minutes of 28th Meeting of the Academic Council held on 06/04/2023 <View>

Minutes of 29th Meeting of the Academic Council held on 14/09/2023 <View>
Minutes of 30th Meeting of the Academic Council held on 11/07/2024 <View>


Minutes of 39th Meeting of Standing Committee of Academic Council held on 04/10/2022 <View>

# Recommendations of the Committee regarding offering Online/MOOCs Courses <View>